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with curly braces is deprecated in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7 Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_FWPT::vphrxgsvhrymf() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 2 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_FWPT::eyriunrkrktq() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 2 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_NNVR::vnhsfsmk() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 2 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_NPTN::vphrxgsvhrymf() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_FNVR::emdexsqopwslt() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 2 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_FNVR::opgfuiwhieqrilelmu() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_CDRS::gpujpfkutuouw() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_NNVR::vnhsfsmk() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_CFCN::okesmxvhoqfh() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 2 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_CDRS::jifsitxjdeieq() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 2 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_NNVR::vnhsfsmk() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_CDRS::gdqddhfjwvrsvoxlmmndyxq() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 2 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_CFCN::okesmxvhoqfh() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 2 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_CDRS::jifsitxjdeieq() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 2 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_FWPT::hdykhnmfkelthivqfge() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 2 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_CPLC::pofyuxdnptglr() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 2 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_FWPT::vphrxgsvhrymf() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 2 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_FWPT::eyriunrkrktq() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 2 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_NNVR::vnhsfsmk() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 2 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_FNVR::emdexsqopwslt() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 2 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_FNVR::opgfuiwhieqrilelmu() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_CDRS::gpujpfkutuouw() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_NNVR::vnhsfsmk() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_CFCN::okesmxvhoqfh() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 2 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_CDRS::jifsitxjdeieq() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 2 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_NNVR::vnhsfsmk() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 7 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_CDRS::gdqddhfjwvrsvoxlmmndyxq() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 2 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_CFCN::okesmxvhoqfh() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 2 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_CDRS::jifsitxjdeieq() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 2 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_FWPT::hdykhnmfkelthivqfge() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 2 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_CPLC::pofyuxdnptglr() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 2 Deprecated: Non-static method WEBLIC_FWPT::vphrxgsvhrymf() should not be called statically in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 2

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Informationsabend 2013 bei Volley Talents

M�rz 2013

Am 16. M�rz 2013 fand der j�hrliche Informationsabend bei Volley Talents statt. Das Hauptthema dieses Jahr waren unsere Rookies, welche seit August 2012 erfolgreich gestartet sind.


Einladungsflyer & Programm �


Mo 18.3.2013: Die S�dostschweiz: Talentf�rderung in Jona wird weiter vorangetrieben �

Volley Talents 2013
Foto: Katja Stuppia

Volley Talents braucht Ihre Unterst�tzung:


Hauptsponsor: O'Neill
Region GSGL
Trendwerk GmbH

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